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Cereal disease management: prevent, detect, control
Future Disease Control in Cereals -Steven Kildea
Disease Control in Cereal Crops | PGG Wrightson Tech Tips
Disease Control in Cereal Crops | PGG Wrightson Tech Tips
Cereal disease control - How can we manage today's threats for future control?
Do Disease Differently Webinar
Knowledge Centre: Diseases in Cereals
Fungicide performance and programmes Agronomists’ Conference 2020
CROPS WATCH: Dr. Robert Beattie gives his Winter Wheat disease control update.
xarvio webinar: how knowledge grows - Ultimate Cereal Disease Control with xarvio
Fungicide performance and disease management in wheat, barley and osr – Agronomists’ Conference 2021
Grant Hollaway, Bendigo GRDC Update key message is highly susceptibles suck disease out of sky